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Political and social activities


IMG_5364Since 1991, TSKN has been able to put up candidates for the communal elections in Poland. The political activities of The Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia  are focused on regional and local level. The German Minority electoral list currently has one seat in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Ryszard Galla is presently the only Sejm member from the German minority. In 2014, the German Minority put up 46 candidates for the Sejmik elections in 4 constituent parts of Poland, whereby throughout Poland there are only 5 constituent parts, in which

German minority is allowed to put up candidates. In 2014, 266 candidates from German minority ran for the Powiat election (in seven regions) and for the local election in the capital city of Opole voivodship (Rada Miasta Opole – Opole City Council). German minorities put also up 450 candidates for the Gmina election (in 38 different parts of region Opole). In the German Minority electoral list there were 28 candidates for village mayors and town mayors. In 2015, for the first time the German Minority decided also to participate in the mayoral election in Opole. Six from the above mentioned candidates were the only candidates in their constituencies.R . Bartek11 

The representatives of the German Minority in Poland are also invited to the GermanPolish Round Table Meetings. The German Minority participates also in the meetings organized by the Joint Committee of Government and Minority and Ethnic Groups. 

The Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia educates compères and organizers of cultural activities for elder people. Our organizers of cultural activities are an old hand at managing of free time for elder people. They organize a wide range of events beginning with get-togethers, mixed generation meetings, sport activities, lectures, excursions ending with manual and cultural workshops.  The Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia

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