KT_Ben_Muthofer_01The Social-Cultural Society of Germans in Opole Silesia is the biggest organization of the German Minority in Poland, operating in all parts of Opole district and in a part of Powiat (county) Lubliniec. In these regions there are over 330 smaller organizations called from German “DFK”. The abbreviation stands for Deutscher Ffreundschaftskreis – German Friendship Club. DFK is the principal unit of administrative division of the German Minority in Poland. DFKs operate mainly in the villages located in the Opole voivodship and in the county of Lubliniec. DFK’s main aim is to take care of the issues connected with the nationality, German culture and tradition in the places of residence of the DFK’s members. Governing bodies of the DFK are 50 executive committees in 7 counties throughout the country. The legislative and controlling body of each committee is the central managing committee, which is located in the capital city of region Opole. In 2015, the number of members of the DFKs was 33.987. On 16 February 1990, TSKN was entered into the National Register of Associations in Poland. 


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